Producer and supplier of components

offer / Consulting during the selection of product

PTH "MATT" is a company friendly to employees, suppliers, customers and potential customers. We always provide advice in the field that we deal with and in which we sell products. As part of our own knowledge and experience, we will be happy to help you choose the right solution.

If someone has a problem connected with the selection of accessories or designing a small antenna installation in a house - he can always count on us. Of course, we will not replace the real designer / installer, who will select the entire range, make any measurements, make documentation, make a specification of materials. But for sure we will help you get to know the topics, verify expectations or prepare data for the project.

If you have any questions, ambiguities or doubts - we will try to dispel them and select the assortment needed for the individual needs of each client. Technical advice and information from our site do not cost anything, and for a person who does not have adequate knowledge will be helpful.

We wish you successful decisions in the selection of equipment.



News sales promotion

Wholesale and retail sales
Accessible and flexible prices
Consulting during the selection of product
35 years experience in the industry

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PTH "MATT" is one of the oldest Polish private electronics companies in Poland and it is currently one of the avant-garde producers of passive components working in cable television networks (TVK / CATV). It offers the richest in Europe selection of subscriber RTV sockets, satellite RTV-SAT and multimedia RTV-DATA. In addition, we produce all types of frequency filters, multimedia switches, isolators, separators, splitters and taps.

In addition, our warehouse supplies installers with electrical installation equipment, antennas, power supplies, computer and telecommunications network components, etc. We also offer a wide selection of different types of cables and wires. In addition, we are still selling joysticks, joypads and accessories for retro games and consoles such as Amiga, Atari, etc.

We also help our clients create RTV-SAT installation projects and select the right equipment. We run retail and wholesale.